“Ooowh…. Who is destroying my garden cucumbers?? Why should the demage. If you want to grab is okay! Please take , I’m not stingy farmer. With a sad heart Mr. Peasant to go home.
He spectulated the animals like cucumber. “ ohh yes. Sure the Deer”. Murmured Mr. Peasant.
Mr. Farmer find away to drap Deer,and the makes the s carecrow who were given a very strong adhesive. Late afternoonthe scarecrow had been made over and taken to he middle of the garden cucumber for the tide. I know deer are smart animals, he would mock this scarecrow. but feel later. " Mr. Peasant thought.

"... ouch! why my feet sticky?? shriek startled deer.
"hi scarecrow ugly, if not remove my foot strike back at you! ”of course, the puppets were just silent. deer struck the other front leg. "plaque" is now firmly attached to both front legs in the scarecrow's shirt. adhesive mounted scarecrow clothes were very strong, clever individual can not escape, she cried all night. morning Mr. Farmer carrying clubs."This he culprit. I catch you!"
"deer you should eat my cucumber, but do you damaged other fruit", said Mr. peasants. "Please Mr. Farmer was not me that damage your immune garden. It’s only I eat two or three cucumber alone!" said the deer. but Mr. farmer could not believe what was said deer, then he tied at the neck and drag the deer to come home.
"hi scarecrow ugly, if not remove my foot strike back at you! ”of course, the puppets were just silent. deer struck the other front leg. "plaque" is now firmly attached to both front legs in the scarecrow's shirt. adhesive mounted scarecrow clothes were very strong, clever individual can not escape, she cried all night. morning Mr. Farmer carrying clubs."This he culprit. I catch you!"
"deer you should eat my cucumber, but do you damaged other fruit", said Mr. peasants. "Please Mr. Farmer was not me that damage your immune garden. It’s only I eat two or three cucumber alone!" said the deer. but Mr. farmer could not believe what was said deer, then he tied at the neck and drag the deer to come home.
At home Mr. Farmer of deer in place the chicken in a cage. "This stone is quite heavy, you might not get away, I'll go to the market to kmembeli satay." said the farmer pack. "Please sir farmer, I do not broiled!" whined the deer. and pack peasants go to the market, at that time there was a dog went to the deer cage. "Mouse Deer, why are you in the brackets so"? asked the dog. "Well .. you do not know what a dog?" deer countered. "tell me what deer?" said the dog. "this dog, I will be taken by a of Mr. farmer-law. so now Mr. Farmer went to market to buy clothes and delicious food for me", said the deer.

"How nice, you go there is a dog!", Said the deer.
dog suddenly angry, "deer, if you do not want me to replace the now well above the confinement would rock my neck you'll push and I gigitt off!", said the dog. "Oh do not you??", Said the deer. "What would not?", Said the dog. "Okay ... okay I had to obey like you ", said the deer.
dogs push the stone to fall and confinement in the open, while the dog deer out into the cage. "Congratulations sir so son Mr. Farm dogs !!!", said the deer.
pack peasant came a moment later. He was surprised look absurdly deer in captivity turned into a dog.
"Salute to the future in-laws, giving his rights as a deer Mr.Peasant suitor to me, the dog who was gallant," said the dog. "Where the deer continue?" asked Mr.Farmer . "had gone into the woods," said the dog. "kaumu want to be my daughter?" said the farmer pack. "correct sir ..." responsible dog happily. "Now get out of the cage, and sat the swee and you close your eyes. I'll call my daughter in the house." said Mr.Farmer .
dogs waiting with enjoy.Mr. Farmer reappeared, but not with his daughter, but by carrying batons.
"ya gift for you!" shouted Mr.Peasant head and back while hitting a dog. "Pleeeeaaasssee ....!" dog screamed and fled.
dogs waiting with enjoy.Mr. Farmer reappeared, but not with his daughter, but by carrying batons.
"ya gift for you!" shouted Mr.Peasant head and back while hitting a dog. "Pleeeeaaasssee ....!" dog screamed and fled.
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